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Crafty mishap!

For Christmas my sister got me a small pestle and mortar.

It’s adorable!

I completely forgot about it because I left it wrapped and in it’s box to keep it safe, but while cleaning off my table recently I found it again.

I don’t currently have use for it because I’m not doing any crafts that would lend themselves to figuring out the best method.


That didn’t stop me from trying to grind small pieces of glow-in-the-dark plastic.

A little back story: I got some dollar store glow-in-the-dark dinosaur kits and didn’t feel like throwing away perfectly good glow-in-the-dark material. Ever since then I’ve been randomly cutting the bigger pieces down.

I thought to myself, why not make it a powder so I can use it for crafty things?

I couldn’t find anything online about using a mortar and pestle for crafty things. I also couldn’t find anything concrete about trying to make powder out of plastic.

So I tried it.

Thankfully, my brother came in not long after and asked me what I was doing.

I told him and during the conversation he reminded me that plastic, for the most part, is toxic…

Trying to grind down plastic when I don’t know the properties is a bad idea.

I know this, because I’d started smelling something as I’d been grinding. I ignored it and kept going.

The slight headache I was getting could have been due to countless reasons so I don’t want to assume anything.

So, yeah.

Doing crafty things is fun but can also be dangerous!

Until next week, stay safe when crafting people!

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