Posted in Blog

Short break?

I am once again dog sitting which means I won’t be able to work on my table crafty things.

Also means I won’t be able to update on my table crafty things.


I do have a couple things I’m almost done with and once I’m done sitting I’ll post before and after pics and such.

I’m pretty excited!

I am getting some of my other work done though, which is equally exciting!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that I have a ton of notes for stories that I’ve collected over the years. Everything from napkins to torn out pieces of paper.

You know, the usual.

I finally got them organized and my journals set up so all I had to do was compile the notes into the journals.

A monumental task.

I brought one with this time to work on before work work…

I finished it the first day.

Which is great! Don’t get me wrong, but that also meant I didn’t have anything else to do until I switched it out.

I did get a novella and a paranormal romance finished in the interim though so my backlog of books is now just 3.

I did switch the journals out and took the one with the most amount of notes needing to be compiled. Hopefully I’ll get it done too!

It’d be great if I got them all done this sitting job. I had put them in a box while I moved things around in my room and then the old ‘out of sight, out of mind’ kicked in and I completely forgot until I had to clean off my table again.

At which point I unearthed them!

Slowly but surely I am getting things done!

Until next time, y’all stay positive and if dealing with impatience ask God for patience and peace.

Like I have been lately.


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