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Forgot that episode (spoilers for season 7 of Stargate if you haven’t watched yet!)

Technically I didn’t forget the episode, I just forgot it was so soon!

My mama and I got to the episode, ‘Heroes’, where Janet dies.

I’m in tears almost the entire episode (technically a two parter) once I remember. My mama has NO idea of course.

We all know what happens so I’m not going to rehash it (and if you’ve forgotten then I guess it’s time for you to do your own rewatch!).

Anyways, after her death Daniel is in his office and you can see on one of his computer screens pictures of the Alteran Time Machine device (from the episode where Teal’c and O’Neill learned how to juggle!).

Never noticed it before.

Daniel was so devastated by her death that he was trying to find a way to bring her back.

One of the worst and best episodes ever!!

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